mobile application development mobile apps software engineering html5 phonegap empirical software engineering software architecture mobile apache cordova javascript mobile applications green software experiments uml empirical softwar engineering mobile applications development android model-driven engineering wireless sensor network mde mobile app icse robotics cordova web design and development research research and development software progressive web apps hybrid development frameworks univaq aadl adl css3 university euprojects underwater drones java pwa hybrid mobile apps architectural languages empiricial software engineering agile software development mobile phone statistics energy energy efficiency service workers progressive web app architecture description language soa design patterns software development process ros websql backbone.js technology google maps requirejs handlebars drone wsn mobile device web apps vrije universiteit amsterdam experiment design sequence diagram state machine class diagram requirements engineering software modeling service worker sustainability eclipse web workers mobile web app agile software development open source empirical studies software product line architectural styles agile process software process github robots local storage indexeddb api google chrome user experience design user-centred design website rest jquery software engineering. teaching resources planning code generation quadrotors university of laquila architecture framework model driven engineering european projects h2020 stf proxmox performance software sustainability kpmg green it apps networking prefetching software maintenance maintainability collaborative software engineering factory method chain of responsibility singleton observer use cases software design scrum lac microart microservice docker microservices c2 software performance experiment reporting threats to validity measurement theory measurement hypothesis testing experiment planning scientific process green lab w3c web serviceworker serviceworkers adb fiddler trepn mobilesoft css papyrus use case diagram architecture analysis and design language service oriented greenlab progressive mobile web backbone rest api geolocation mapping atl emf qvt am3 etl apache ripple ajax wireframes navigation design service oriented architecture git computer science google play store semantic analysis gssi mobile performance gmaps univa service-oriented architecture spl real-time safety systems latency critical embedded software engineering research gran sasso science institute waterfall software qualities mashup tourism web analytics data mining. repository mining twitter model physical environment e-health privacy authentication parrot ratchet style human interface ux ui mobil mobil apps web rtc mobile strategy development strategy mobile ecosystem server-sent events web sockets http representational state transfer oauth adobe require big data neo4j databases nosql models environment gis ios uav quadcopters mobile appl mo mobile computing phd business web app elevator pitch web applications
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