design innovation frog frog design design research technology mobile healthcare china change interaction design green media product internet of things wearable technology marketing global hartmut esslinger trends social smart city jan chipchase frog shanghai social media design thinking sxsw fabio sergio meaning creativity research africa giga warming climate iot gaming user experience design conference product design transformation iphone apple leadership communications hiv aids masiluleke web source open brand strategy management content big data meta city data smart home mhealth brainstorming personal data emerging markets inspiration behavior change energy mobile money content strategy user research lift social innovation user experience customer insight marketing innovation service design robert fabricant social impact augmented reality innovation x m-health mark rolston ixda chief officer business pr digital interaction consumer behavior thinking collaboration smart manufacturing branding future myanmar citizenship digital shoreditch techforgood humanitarian data tedtalks aging by design concept solid conference how design entrepreneurship startup frog milan backpack plus toolkit system thinking artificial intelligence sensing pov agile scrum participatory design co-design mobile web mobile application development technolog air pollution food education learning skills schools autonomous car geasture 3d printing patina smart phone intelligent machines apps 2013 collaborative community non-profit organization activism organizations web design shanzhai values brands ethics techyizu designing shanghai taiwan human-computer interaction chinese consumers retail automotive rob mcintosh mwc community case management unicef interactive information architecture software temptd patiensafe novartis lifescan patient project masiluleke connected ecosystem e-monitors user-centred m-commerce mobile payments immersive research india efma ravi chhatpar people's republic of china smart tv tianjin health care development emerigng clients facilitation next11 seattle alex tam iln communication design writing industrial design design education adam silver social media week ted open innovation control sgcc panda thinkin social marketing b2b marketing conversational marketing disrupive innovation fail fast culture fail early design synthesis sense jon kolko live research transmedia news tradtional media newspapers future of news media innovation user insight deployment partnership strategy impact advocacy roadmap project m awareness design roi motivation problem solving aids epidemic project masileluke social responsibility webjects tnw future of the web the next web consumer research anthropology ethnography emarketing poptech strategic design creative product innovation sxsw2010 rober fabricant ucb haas school of business innovation strategy product strategy innovation culture greener gadgets virtual reality tedx austin computing clif bar zappos customer experience zipcar information visualization health body electric social networks information shadows ecomm entertainment guillermo del toro conversation story chatter tv clay shirky iptv google chrome windows microsoft netbooks siggraph 2009 chi 2009 chi pos intel idsa smm cmo next09 advertising reality communication networks body human vision behaviour borg augmented lift09 sergio fabio frogdesign user insights behavioral trendforum cees van dok conversational conusmer products convergence divergence 2.0 time-to-market industrial outsourcing consumers visions project adam richardson sustainable sustainability micro micro-formats attention economy blogging networking distributed internet amateur user-generated
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