analysis process project lean diagram problem matrix data decision chart map kaizen cause solving management improvement planning effect performance factor mapping problem-solving analyze activity standard plan continuous customer solution value project management statistics distribution article idea value-added non-value-added waste selection visual probability example collection information stakeholder goal action criteria why relationship variation variability frequency graphical metric answer question measurement continuous improvement action plan root hierarchy brainstorming creative flow current task step value analysis select prioritization option alternative workplace methodology decide change tree connection design dependency timeline benchmark team six sigma mean shape spread risk control assessment graph plot measure metrics gathering questions survey research four-fields quadrant eisenhower sigma compare pair center creativity rework visual management color séquence strategic strategy personal pestle pest objective best wasteful transportation defect external organization operation business drawing variable sign signature deliverable charter whys toyota multiple five ask output input analyzing report pdca state muda inventory future box time essential observation bar priority options alternatives rank weight standardize 5s transformation field influence interconnected social mind concept relation how table decision making correlation comparison requirement quality tracking bar chart best practice sample normal median deviation impact assess threat mitigation cons deciding pros selecting histogram attribute pattern feedback checklist sheet check flashcards flashcard infographics infographic posters poster six four quadrants matrix four-field matrix four field matrix four-quadrants four fields cell axes axis eisenhower matrix importance urgency importance-urgency four fields four quadrants quadrants urgent urgency priorities important importance grid covey production process yield measures process yield yield throughput scrap rolled rejects measures first final tree diagram causes resolution how-how how how to be as is journey road map roadmaps roadmap route target destination paired comparison subjective ranking pairwise pairs paired evaluation benefits lessons project closure project-closure shortfall outcome completion closure closing close traffic light traffic-light traffic reporting rating rate light evaluate brainstorm mind-map thought topic mind map brain technology technological swot scanning scan political politics pestel environmental economical environment economic economics statistical box plot quartile comarison scatter interval bin gap analysis bridge to-be as-is gap condition symbol swimlane redesign flowcharting flowchart cross-functional arrow good practice best-practice yokoten word-class success sharing innovative innovation experience copying waste analysis valuable unavoidable nva visual control signal signage safety marking label display board andon process chart inspection delay transport store symbols weaknesses threats strengths weakness strength opportunities opportunity instruction policy practice work sustain standardizing standardization sop procedure operating consistent consistency waiting wasted processing overproduction movement excess defective engagement involvement internal stakeholders stake power interest steps process-map process mapping process map process-mapping activities problem statement business case voc statement milestone member document benefit accountability responsible roles responsibility raci informed consulted accountable troubleshooting five whys 5 whys 5 test study shewhart pdsa opdca do deming cycle act high-level outputs inputs customers suppliers supplier sipoc scope ipo possible potential symptom ishikawa fishbone category branch bone paper follow-up countermeasure corrective approach a3 thinking a3 kj grouping groups create collecting categories affinity value stream map vsm stream material manufacturing avoidable adding added place walk observer observations mbwa gemba walk genba gemba expectation exciter basic satisfaction model kano feature delighter cumulative vital principle percent pareto 80 20 weighting solutions projects prioritize score pugh baseline rpn raid log raid log issue dashboard assumption 5s method work area sort shitsuke shine seisou seiri seiketsu program organize japanese arrange area force field change management against technique making hindering helping force representation complexity interrelationship interrelation network node illustration representations interaction connect collaboration venn 5 ws & 1 h five ws and one h kipling-method kipling q&a scoping where when who what 5w2h 5w1h tool relationships problem solving intersection functional house whats hows deployment function progress gantt best-in-class competitive big data world-class competition best practices benchmarking workshop practical play library individual games exercise excellence dmaic 101 z-table z-score empirical normality curve bell inference poisson binomial prediction population discrete uniform statistic outlier descriptive tendency range position register likelihood mitigate occurrence respond consensus minus interesting pmi balance plus trend count participants focus facilitator discussion group interview conversation questionnaire sheets tally kpis indicator key indicators
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