a.t. kearney consulting management consulting innovation retail technology strategy globalization geopolitics investment global economy business business strategy economy emerging markets china trade fdi transformation consumers foreign direct investment m&a europe supply chain millennials mergers and acquisitions consumer products developed markets consumer spending politics leadership gen x baby boomers procurement e-commerce growth future proof strategy corporate strategy global business 4ir digital transformation localize localization fourth industrial revolution 3d printing ai macroeconomics nationalism brexit trump global trends populism finance investing digital invest latin america india economics productivity global consumer economic outlook asia demographics supply management africa economic growth uncertainty big data organization human capital gbpc global business policy council culture performance chemicals government enterprise transformation macroeconomy data foresight future trends macro trends trends consultant market analysis localization strategy regional operating hubs operational model feasibility analysis target market selection infrastructure growth strategy growth strategy international expansion strategy talent growth strategy attracting talent public private partnerships economic development urban development program urban hubs urban development joint venture jv greenfield cross-border investment business survey middle east free trade cost large manufacturing artificial intelligence advanced robotics cybersecurity uk supply chain management logistics energy transition energy global city competitiveness smart cities start-up ecosystem business incubators global cities global economic power urban planning gawc strategic geographic locales global power city index border political access consolidation capital international trade consumption influence affluence management policy robo-adviser robo-advisory robo-advisor banks united states private equity protectionism internet of things iot zero-based budgeting mergers cfo southeast asia payments cashless climate change co2 emissions offshoring offshore automation bpo america roi rosma return on supply management assets analytics cpg grocery namibia botswana ghana nigeria angola cloud computing supply chain postponement banking retail banking world economy news investment banking business consulting future of strategy gas prices oil and gas telecommunications telecom consumer packaged goods strategy consulting martin fabel gillis jonk johan aurik tech smb sales small-business test messaging reskilling power generation power sector decarbonization fintech digital transactions batteries energy storage digitalization born digital digital economy quantum computing emerging technologies smart-device scenarios digital revolution 5g techlash digital order multi-localism localism development financing tariffs world trade organization international monetary fund world bank economic governance japan eu international economy sand shortage cbd anxiety epidemic anxiety geopolitical realignment sino-russian xi-putin fuel price shipping industry sulfur regulations circular economy single-use plastics trash crisis waste management altcoins bitcoin cryptocurrency trade tensions trade war small scale primary operate mobile migration mid-side efficiency convenience capability capabilities poverty energypoverty energytransition business model labor force disruption risk management cyber business operations business opportunities business risks business challenges business analytics marketing analytics data scientist fake news organic sustainability fake meat clean food belt and road initiative asia-pacific indo-pacific technology competition us-china tech industry global trade foreign policy food industry corporate governance consumer goods beverage industry beauty industry startup bootcamp consumer influence consumer affluence gen z future consumer consumer goods forum nafta m&a trends retail m&a trends consumer product companies m&a growth strategy m&a consulting consumer products portfolio strategy retail portfolio strategy portfolio strategy portfolio strategies synergies and value creation merger integration m&a capability consumer products m&a strategy retail m&a strategy m&a strategy consulting m&a strategy personalized personalization personal data nutrition lifestyle health food fitness sub-saharan africa eurasia financial crisis merkel terrorism national security security islamic state isis is privacy iphone x facial recognition technology london united kingdom computing ibm • quantum supremacy superbugs antibiotics microorganisms cobalt mines metals urban cities congestion traffic drones debt supplier life cycle supplier management value chain cpo chief procurement officer onshoring jobs planning advantage analytic delivery financial officer chief revenue value enterprise change organizational invent community validation entry market maturity start-ups entrepreneur companies development research r&d fund firstbuild automation technology manufacturing consulting production technology consulting machines lean production systems factory of the future manufacturing capabilities production transformation mobile computing cyberattacks strategic foresight us warehouse 3pl rail freight forwarding shipper air freight shippers pipeline parcel delivery parcel carriers ocean water ocean freight railroad third party logistics motor carriers electric cars power wind power renewable energy solar energy grids global warming greenhouse gases solar energy oil and gas energy smart grids carbon capture electricity natural gas forecast russia merger balance sheet multiples middle market acquisition financial buyer megadeal international investment donald trump nonprofit president leadership management trade policy news investor relations crispr biotechnology labor market company culture employees performance company performance shifting performance performance reviews collaboration high performer retention best practices workforce employees ira dol robo advisor retirement wealth management fiduciary investor dual ria 401k ria robo fiduciary rule robo adviser department of labor uday singh affluent teresa epperson bob hedges monica gabel digital investing study future of advice advice activist investors financial institutions index central asia mena ranking developing market eastern europe asia pacific grdi ease of doing business information retail operations australia islandisation mega mergers acquisitions m&a targets investment risk commodity prices : investment risk political instability economic instability smart products product development product design design thinking design strategic budgeting zbb performance budgeting incremental budgeting zero-sum budgeting public budgeting cost transformation megadeals ceo cxo category excellence supplier excellence team excellence durable durable supply advantage online shopping asean clicks and mortar amazon frictionless commerce uber emissions environment back-office outsourcing service providers robotic process automation business process as service arbitrage social impact nearshoring sourcing bpaas business process outsourcing standardization generation x executive perspectives generational differences boomers economic perpectives american economy majority minority america's birthday economic predictions scenario planning predictive analytics advanced analytics analytics talent data science local food farmers market fresh food locavore food and beverage online shopping ecommerce gabun einzelhandel unternehmensberatung afrika südafrika gabon south africa motivation b2b sales digitization future engagement regulation tax policy volatility cyber security ukraine buffer stock lead time lean inventory stock level inventory fit organization organizational transformation developing markets retail banks well-being research centers hubs global engagement headquarters governance global economy news foreign investment options foreign investment opportunities value levers innovation portfolio innovation management best innovator innovation strategy busin competitive management cons agility agile government public sector shareholder value reset teams clubs leagues sports advertising media brands
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