iot azure dycodex internet of things ios azure iot hub makestro maker dycode lora maker movement lorawan espectro maker indonesia ai machine learning esp32 hardware cloud arduino aiot ai at the edge nb-iot riot global azure bootcamp indonésia raspberry pi dycode edu node.js mobile services wp7 movreak android edgeai tinyml azure machine learning azure iot lpwa asset tracking connectivity lpwan esp8266 bandung websites mobile artificial intelligence on-device ai azure iot central agriculture precision livestock farming precision agriculture cellular iot esp-idf azure stream analytics echelon smart home azure storage windows 10 iot core firebase mqtt watchkit education swift wordpress indonesia jepret introduction ios sdk idoc2012 qt andri yadi mobile apps monetization iphone ondeviceai gab2019 face api cognitive services azure cognitive services arduino day tflite tensorflow lite tensorflow challenge opportuny industry 4.0 agritech regulations long range low power republic of iot kominfo ttn the things network last mile connectivity iot connectivitiy microsoft iot central ciot dytrax alora industrial iot industrial iiot asean makerthon mongoose os ism tracker low-power long-range startup entrepreneurship making movement manifesto make iothub.id siri nodemcu platformio homekit tessel wio link powerbi business homex healthcare makers hands-on lab camera windows 10 iot windows 10 web motion detection infrared sensor light sensor electricity meter espruino pico espruino allegra product development star wars current sensor ldr mcp3008 xcode vsmicro android wear azure app service azure mobile service apple watch wearable training azurecamp edu procodecg azure mobile services codemeetup socket.io azure table storage expressjs azure-cli windows azure blogger blogging media services todo api server-side backend social media social network cloud computing apple icloud development keynote event azure toolkit qml nokia social app mobile development symbian blackberry appstore iphone sdk astoria wcf data services net 4 ef2 entity framework
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