anand_hd anand dr ait ait n.g. odrey r.n. nagel m. weiss m.p. groover verilog hdl operating system robotics and machine vision system d m dhamdhare verilog embedded systems shibu k v samir palnitkar ece dhamdhare programming and applications industrial robotics-technology robotic sensors end effectors basics of os tasks verilog codes introduction state machine model ai techniques lisp programming ai and robotics goals of ai research introduction to ai robotic applications image processing and analysis the sensing and digitizing function in machine vis introduction to machine vision robot dynamics manipulator path control homogeneous transformation and robot kinematics introduction to manipulator kinematics processing operations machine loading/unloading material transfer a robot program as a path in space branching signal and delay commands wait motion interpolation leadthrough programming methods methods of robot programming use of sensors in robotics miscellaneous sensors and sensor based system proximity and range sensors tactile sensors sensors in robotics transducers and sensors implementation of file access allocation of disk space interface between file system and iocs file protection directory structures fundamentals of file organizations files and file organization file system and iocs demand paging page replacement policies virtual memory basics scheduling in practice pre-emptive scheduling policies non pre-emptive scheduling policies preliminaries d.m.dhamdhare segmentation with paging segmentation paging contiguous and non contiguous memory allocation reuse of memory memory allocation to a process static and dynamic memory allocations managing the memory hierarchy time to prototype and market shibu k anand h d an ports in verilog hdl hierarchical names modules in verilog hdl portability evovability debugability testability safety security matainability reliability throughput response non operational quality attributes operational quality attributes of embedded system power concerns small size and weight distributed operates in harsh environments reactive and real time application and domain specific characteristics of embedded system $finish $stop 'define 'include $monitor $display data types comments in verilog whitespaces system tasks and compiler directives lexical conventions trends in hdls popularity of verilog hdl importance of hdls typical design flow emergence of hdls evolution of computer aided digital design pcb and passive components other system components embedded firmware sensors and actuators communication interface memory core of the embedded system typical embedded system definition of embedded systems embedded systems vs. general computing advantages of threads over processes threads kernel view of processes os view of processes parent and child processes programmer view of processes process and programs considerations in gripper selection and design the robot/end effectors interface tools as end effectors other types of grippers mechanical gripper types of end effectors micro-kernel based operating systems kernel based operating systems virtual machine operating systems layered design of an operating system operating systems with monolithic structure structure of an operating system operation of an o.s control systems and dynamic performance precision of movement robot application robot programming and work cell control brief history of robots robotics in science fiction automation and robotics real time systems multiprogramming systems time sharing systems batch processing systems overview of os multi programming systems time sharing systems rea system performance and user convenience efficiency anand h d non-interface user convinience efficient use security and protection resource management program management operations of os goals of os introduction to os robot grippers parallel robot articulated robot cylindrical robot cartesian robot polar robot automation robot & automation industrial robot robot robot applications robot programming robot control systems robot drive systems basic configuration of robots hdl applications of cplds and fpgas fpga cplds programming of pla and pal programmable array logic (pal) programmable logic array (pla) android verification of gate level netlist synthesis design flow verilog hdl synthesis impact of logic synthesis what is logic synthesis? case study automated smart card reader embedded systems in auto-mobile digital camera finite state machine j baskar fsm mealy fsm moore fsm interacting processes generic shifter modeling examples last come first serve scheduling first come first serve scheduling preemptive scheduling how to choose an rtos non-preemptive scheduling task scheduling multitasking multiprocessing process and threads types of os rtos os real time operating system anand hd functions examples generate blocks sequential and parallel blocks forever loop while loop repeat loop for loop elseif condition case casex casez if condition conditional statements timing controls behavioral modeling introduction to arm joseph yiu cortex m3 arm object oriented model sequential model concurrent model seat belt warning system coffee tea vending machine control_data_flow_model data_flow_model computational models
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