technology mobile internet libraries social media teens health social networking broadband education news digital divide research social networks cell phones wireless youth internet access future of the internet social media public libraries smartphones demographics privacy web information technology pew research center politics computers and internet sns health care texting government safety networking generations 2.0 mobile phone seniors chronic disease sexting young adults healthcare twitter data quantified self consumer librarians reading ereading millennials journalism information cell medicine digital pew trust internet of things online privacy caregiver digital technology pew internet tablets broadband internet access kids and teens new media ecology broadband adoption social networking sites learning web 20 health 20 community families e-government phone democracy jobs automation library digital media cybersecurity books t mobile technology marketing computers facebook arts communications disability social network ereaders baby boomer museums hiv communication adults cell phone statistics mobile phones online harassment public health blogs digital natives epatients video gaming phones use care age cyberbullying writing boomers civic innovation tech coronavirus covid-19 misinformation education and training information gathering work job search online security information security politics and media big data ethics nonprofit organization dating digital d tec text messaging mhealth medical school practitioners and clinics research methods comm techn e-health parents income pr arts organizations social media week e-book mobile web internet use race and ethnicity in the united states census generation y money foundations tablet computer ereader language internet marketing teen and youth smartphone communities online communities tablet srcd religion entrepreneurs sti civics gov 20 open data sharing images phone plans schools voice calling e-patient gender ticer wireless internet forrester research national institutes of health national library of medicine gadgets typology mob content creation online news cloud computing semantic web google newspapers news consumption participatory medicine bullying decision tree health2eu health 20 europe diversity blogging rtip business mvu09 news sources prevention heart disease stroke search e-patients social web socialmedia epatient workers knowledge chronic diseases voice computer calling games ownership economy fcc civic engagement access networks types user adoption users groups demographic african white women men survey latino american participatory e-gov china creation content art music native
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