game development intel developer zone intel software ai intel artificial intelligence gamedev siggraph idz intel iot technology internet of things machine learning intel ai modern code persistent memory software conference professional hpc deep learning pmdk persistent memory developer kit pmem developer iot data science intel xeon phi gaming intel aidc summit ai developer c++ mpi performance android numpy scikit-learn pandas python graphics gpu simd intel xdk modin oneapi intel aidc intel game developer program training intel game dev training game dev training gdc 2019 software development nlp software developer cloud services c unity engine intel gpa gaming graphics gpa mobile javascript tools xdk intel innovation federated learning sigopt ai developers java nvm memory mode openvino linux numba scipy mpi4py manycore soa multicore aos parallelization dram cloud intel® xeon phi xeon hpc devcon optimization intel game developer cpu performance opencl vr virtual reality unity graphic performance animation kernels ospray silicon healthcare imaging threading openfl sgx genetics software guard extensions biology ai for all xgboost anaconda omnisci databricks recsys inference ai and big data ai and security ai and hpc gitex aws open source developer community developer resources training aidc india ai deveopers neutral networks adversarial networks ruby key-value database non-volatile memory massively distributed distributed asynchronous object storage daos intel inspector - persistence inspector pmemreorder pmemcheck debug data corruption pmempool code sample language support transactions flushing allocation appdirect llpl low level persistence library storage performance development kit spdk massively distributed non-volatile memory use case volatile memory games unreal gameteam drone neural language processing ai builders aidc assao ao game developer zone intel® movidius™ neural compute stick persistent memory developers kit connected devices intel math kernel library intel omni-path architecture microsoft azure smart retail smart city iot security intel system studio watson iot sensor libraries intel iot developer kit singularity docker memory parallelism vectorization scientific visualization rasterization open-science open-source paraview intel tune amplifier bottlenecks algorithms intel distribution for python linear regression intel data analytics acceleration library programming memory access benchmark load balancing intel threading building blocks risk analysis intel mpi library middleware mvapich2 libraries low memory climate science nersc fusion science porting search engine optimization nesap us department of energy b-splines monte carlo supercomputing data analysis algorithm cluster framework tall arrays parallel matlab mcdram rescale cluster management intel® omni-path supercomputers aurora argonne mpich openmp hetergeneous compute ofi libfabric intel® mkl colfax intel® xeon phi processors intel omni-path deep neural networks intel® mpi library stampede cluster intel® advisor cache-aware roofline modeling carm xeon phi theano tensorflow data analytics ue4 intel graphics uhd gen9 ultrahd graphics hardware hdr crowdfunding intelsoftware cpu directx android x86 twitch tv augmented reality intel sdk cross platform oculus sdk game design iris pro graphics modeling virtual production light dreamspace capture (dwa) deformation skin dreamwork math x-form matrix dreamworks 3d opensubdiv intel architecture embree ray tracing high-fidelity visualization openswr devices power profiling applications multi-os intel inde native crosswalk vr apps html5 intel® realsense™ technology adding human-like augmented reality with the intel® realsense™ sd intel and red hat: enhancing openstack for enterpr red hat® ceph storage and network solutions for s gateway toblu desktop xenapps box2d cordova design mobile web id realsense tablet windows 8 ultrabook laptop development game inel dveloper zone indiecade inde web apps
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