frances coronel fvcproductions coronel francês school maury high school cornell tech 2017 project progressive web apps 101 hampton university progressive web apps coding bootcamps typescript 101 typescript service workers pwas 101 community slack hackathon presentation español spanish microsoft typescript techqueria pwas product studio comment system new york times hour of code javascript security startup manifest.json sprint acm computer science software design meetup foster care technology foster care kids foster care startup studio mora meeting education coding bootcamp fullstack academy html5 product school artificial intelligence small businesses goldman sachs hu senior seminar conference ethics csc 404 web design learning to code wizard liquid studio women who code privacy connective media connective media technologies ap english literature operation smile ap spanish chemistry asana coro fellowship coro fellows jsconf latinx in tech scenic city summit google developers stanford scalability offline-first ts revolution conf product managers new york stem bootcamps accenture final project google ai movies with robots robot movies artificial intelligence movies supplement template jeopardy student challenge research presentation hampton roads software development life cycle sdlc high school elementary school norfolk.js dominion enterprises women in tech nova csc 405 development studio session wearables spanish 3 design resume high school club op smile club ap espanol english lit literature ap english psychology op smile spain english microsoft strange loop latinx professionals professionals conexion cultura latinas in engineering keeptruckin ana bretschneider mary ramirez sal ramirez kim alban tanya menendez annie benitez pelaez carlos whitt crystal rose annelise hagar-preciado tatiana suriano anthony sessions gabriela reyes first in college techqueria event primeros pasos first in tech latinas in tech lyft intersecting identities pride month 2020 blend pride month state of work social impact machine learning smarter collaborations corporate responsibility zoom fatigue context switching covid-19 management science and engineering future of work mentorship engineering https emerging markets pluralsight pluralsight live web app manifest girls in stem nonprofit mindot mobile web bipocit bipocit space jsconfeu women of color unicorn lighthouse hack reactor telegraph track tech conference jsconf hawaii hawaii side hustle tech stereotypes developer high tech tech industry san francisco google developer fest sf google developer fest devfest gdg devfest bootcamp students students aspiring bootcamp preparing for coding bootcamp chattanooga gdg sf meetup google developers group san francisco meetup html google developers san francisco gdg sf gdg google developers group full stack future speaker series smash speaker series #smashstanford smash stanford smash academy tech female minority tech poc tech getting into tech poc career path smash academy stanford smash academy grand rapids michigan beer city code wwc atlanta we rise tech we rise women who code atlanta workbox viewport washington dc nationjs connect 2018 technology code now codenow alternative education horizons one sponsorship packages accenture technology accenture liquid studio breaking down meltdown and spectre meltdown and spectre developer evangelism vulnerabilities cpu spectre meltdown alpaca vegetarian vegan fictional story guinea pigs meat tribe alpacas veganism behaviors attitudes mamabear launch plan business idea proposal proposal product management pm intern duolingo times square duolingo delights startup idea tinder designers hour of code new york urban assembly middle school 2016 hour of code high school bethel high school meggs cases iphone cases meggs critique commenting nytimes coding state vr ar application computer architecture csc 204 demo beato health driving texting donnie darko film analysis european history ecstasy agony maury high calculus pre-calculus vectors year academic movies robots movies with ai ai movies game keynote nanotechnology csc 205 me bebop mobile app web python renpy csc 395 google slides finalist submission packages themes web dev tech talk wireframes hiredot capstone local communities csc 425 hack the vote hack to help speaking hr dev fest software development methodologies anonymous isis group online social networks csc 435 meetups provable mathematics virginia capwic birds of a feather data privacy terrorism fbi apple woodbridge innovation innovation hackathon social media csc freecodecamp ap statistics z and t one sample means intervals confidence subjunctive subjuntivo boron 10 boron templin brazil comida comida brasilena us history manassas battle of first manassas anita borg institute women who code hackathon paypal code for america free code camp girl develop it open-source foss oss aragon of spain aragon sukromia digital secure messages facebook chrome chrome extension gary chapman alexa skill the 5 love languages love languages alexa amazona data analysis comments reddit interactive stories tell stories stories interactive virtual reality design thinking visualize future pathfinder team venus communities online communities building successful online communities huge design school application huge design school huge design huge design showcase design projects projects showcase hs club operation smile high school club meeting presentation january meeting books slaughterhouse 5 forms of educations education project matter tidewater tcc space astronomy dark matter tidewater community college speeches public speaking informative speeches ap economics economics perfect competition pitch to employers dear employer employment employer pitch slide deck experience fullstack academy academy fullstack summer of code ambassador op smile hs club operation smile high school november immigrants inmigrantes school for field studies wildlife research techniques material and methods african elephants africa english literature great gatsby soundtrack english soundtrack soundtrack soundtrack project gatsby great gatsby psycholog definitions dictionary ap psychology burn prevention high school volunteer medical mission vietnam españa ap bio presentation ap biology disease mosquitoes biology ap bio malaria student trip a touch of the tropics education trip trip costa rica shakespeare william shakespeare climate change eco-friendly rainforest salvador dali art art dalí art project salvador dalí art presentation art picasso picasso art arte picasso english research paper jesus bloodline bloodline jesus christ dan brown scientific research dangers of cocaine cocaine danger research science research phscale superset lightning talk script type angular
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