human digestive sysytem plant fibers nervous system ans cns pns liver stomach spinal cord brain nephron kidney urinary system animal source of drugs history of pharmacognosy blood formd elements blood functions motor cranial nerves sensory cranial nerves hypoglossal nerves mixed crani facial nervres vagus nerves olfactory nerves optic nerve cranial nerves lower appendicular skeletal sy upper appendicular sysytem apendicular skeletal sysytem vertibral skeletal system thorasic bones axil skeletel sysytem skeletel system stratified epithelium tissue simple epithelium tissue compound tissue nervous tissue connective tissue epithelium tissue tissues cerebrospinal fluid medulla oblongata cerebrum cerebellum liver functions liver disorder digestive system and its struc general principles of poisonin clinical toxicolog iv.pharm d types of toxicity types of poisoning poisoning toxicantrs toxins toxicology general principales of clinica general clinical toxicology digestion and adsorption of fo large intestine small intestine duodenum mouth salivary glands heart disorders blood pressure and its control cardiac circulations electrocardio gram cardiac cycle heart structure and functions hormones pitutary system enadocrine sysytem gastric juices human digestive system somatic nervous system peripheral nervous system cns central nervous system delevelpment of pharmacognosy unorganised drugs organised crude drugs mineral source of drugs plan source of drugs source of crude drugs ethylenes gibbarelins cytokikenis auxins growth regulators plant hormones macrosopical evaluation biological evaluation chemical evaluation microscopical evaluaytion morphological evaluation evaluation of curde drugs t.s of kidney nephron strucuture functions of kidney reticular cells reticuloendothelial system res parasympathatic sympathatic ans ecg leads ecg grids ecg waves ecg neuromuscular junction and its myasthenia gravis neuromuscular junction nmj muscular system cell inclusions and its funct cell and its inclusions plant source of drugs source of drugs pharmacognosy definition lymph fluid functions composition and circulation lymph fluid lymphatic system coagulation of blood mechanism of clotting clotting factors clotting mechanism definition of erythropoiesis changes of erythropoiesis stages of erythropoiesis stages of eryth erythropoiesis plasma comonents formed elements present in the functions of blood plasma compo blood components digestive system energetics digestive sysytem properties of alkaloids classification of alkaloids alkaloids jute hemp cotton fibers factors influencing cultivation of medicinal plant mr.e.suresh babu gums- tragacanth and acacia starches agar classification of crude drugs by suresh babu emand classification of crude drugs mr.e.suresh babu isapghul ppt honey source description carrageenan 01
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