edelman edelman trust barometer trust barometer edelman pr trust edelman worldwide social media edelman significa research politics #edeltrust canadian politics consumer insights financial services british columbia marketing energy public relations earned brand technology media edelman digital canada consumer behavior relações públicas empresa marcas business employee engagement rp edelman canada government pesquisa credibilidade pesquisa de confiança healthcare trends estudo de confiança ceo estudo engagement health public affairs digital edelman intelligence ong governo mercado reputação poder público confiança brandshare entertainment storytelling natural gas consumo millennials communications citizenship edelman trust social entertainment budget ontario monitoramento de midias sociais 2015 edelman trust barometer comportamento do consumidor consumidor brand marketing brazil oil renewable energy utilities leadership data security finance health barometer thought leadership data 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of media social media measurement social media strategies social measurement pinfographic pinning pinterest stats pinterest best practices pinterest social seo google+ seo google+ g+ search rankings goodpurpose 2010 good purpose 2010 goodpurpose 2009 good purpose 2009 employee communications culture change communications effectiveness organizational design u.s. congress politicians congress timeline u.s. consumers consumers u.s. food and nutrition food production field to fork grocery shoppers u.s. grocery shoppers field 2 fork banks 2012 trust barometer banking industry edelman data security and privacy study reputation and action privacy & security sydney melbourne edelman australia credibility hybrid media year in review edeltrust2012 media cloverleaf trust in businesses barometer households demographic single parents census lgbt family african-american ireland infographic irish stats public health behavior digital platforms public engagement social media influence online strategy 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