From the course: Nano Tips for Charismatic Communication with Ravi Rajani

How to give a genuine compliment without being fake

From the course: Nano Tips for Charismatic Communication with Ravi Rajani

How to give a genuine compliment without being fake

- Do compliments secretly give you that warm, fuzzy feeling? If you're nodding in your head, I'm with you, my friend, I'm with you. Now neuroscientists have found that receiving a genuine compliment lights up the same parts of our brain that gets activated when we receive a financial reward. Now the million dollar question is how do you give genuine compliments without being fake? Enter my ASI Method. A stands for authenticity meaning lead with a positive and genuine observation. S stands for specificity meaning avoid being generic. I stands for impact meaning explain the personal impact that this observation has had on you. Example one, great presentation yesterday. Example two, Jamie, that was the most impactful presentation I've ever heard you deliver. That vulnerable story that you shared at the beginning about your secret battle with imposter syndrome as a new CEO was so eye-opening. You've inspired me to be more vulnerable and human when sharing my story with my team, so thank you for that. Example one isn't a compliment. It's a throwaway comment. Example number two however is a genuine compliment that unlocks human connection and boosts your charisma, and hey, we all like people who like us, right?
