Social Media Users 2024 (Global Data & Statistics)

The latest data shows that 5.17 billion people use social media as of 2024, which is equivalent to 63.82% of the world’s population. Facebook remains the leading social media platform, with over 3.05 billion users.

Internet and smartphone penetration are the top drivers for this boom in social media usage.

Let’s take a look at the global social media user demographics and explore what it means for brands and businesses in 2024.

Social Media User Statistics 2024 (Top Picks)

  • There are 5.17 billion social media users globally. This means over 63% of the global population is on Social media.
  • The global social media users are forecasted to reach 5.42 billion by the end of 2025.
  • Facebook is the biggest social media platform, with over 3.05 billion users.
  • A typical social media user interacts with 6.6 social media platforms.
  • On average, users spend 2 hours and 24 minutes daily on Social media platforms.
  • Social media is used by 85% of the world’s 5.27 billion mobile phone users.
  • China, with 1.02 billion users, is the country with the most social media users. India and the United States make it to the top three with 755.47 million and 302.25 million users, respectively.
  • An average person uses social media for two hours and thirty-five minutes every day.
  • Millennials and Gen Z are the most frequent users of social media platforms.

How Many People Use Social Media?

There are 5.17 billion social media users worldwide in 2024.

An average social media user hops between 6 and 7 platforms every month.

While there are many factors contributing to this user growth, the global penetration of smartphones is the most evident one.

Here is a table showing the number of social media users over the years:

Social Media Users Over The Years
YearSocial Media User
2027*5.85 billion
2026*5.64 billion
2025*5.42 billion
20245.17 billion
20234.95 billion
20224.59 billion
20214.26 billion
20203.9 billion
20193.51 billion
20183.1 billion
20172.73 billion

Most Popular Social Media Platforms

With 3.05 billion Monthly Active Users (MAUs), Facebook is the world’s most popular social media platform as of 2024.

Whatsapp (2.7 billion MAUs) and YouTube (2.7 billion MAUs) comprise the top 3 spots.

Most social networks provide growth data regarding the number of monthly active users rather than registered profiles because this data is more reliable for evaluating real use and geographical penetration.

This table shows the biggest social media platforms globally as of 2024:

Biggest Social Media Platforms Globally
Social Media PlatformNumber of Users
Facebook3.05 billion
Whatsapp2.7 billion
Youtube2.7 billion
Instagram2.5 billion
WeChat1.67 billion
TikTok1.67 billion
Facebook Messenger988 million
Snapchat750 million
Telegram700 million
Douyin600 million
QQ574 million
Sina Weibo573 million
Kuaishou573 million
Pinterest450 million
Twitter450 million
Reddit430 million
Quora400 million

Interested In Platform Specific Stats? Explore our detailed reports on these social media platforms:

How Many Accounts Does An Average Social Media User Have?

The average number of social media accounts used by millennial or Gen Z users worldwide is 8.5.

According to research on 46 nations with internet users aged between 16 and 64, Japan had the lowest overall number of social media accounts at 3.8, while India had the highest at 11.5 accounts per user.

Here is a list of countries with users who have multiple social media accounts:

Average Social Media Accounts Per Person
Country Average Social Media Accounts Per Person
The United States7.1
The United Kingdom6.9

Users are accessing multiple social media sites, and they are searching for their favorite brands on all of them. It is very critical for brands to manage their social media portfolio efficiently. So make sure you have uniformity over platforms!

How Much Time Do People Spend On Social Media Per Day?

Users spend an average of 2 hours and 24 minutes daily on social media platforms. 

Americans check their social media on average for 2 hours and 14 minutes per day. This is 10 minutes less than the global average. 

At the same time, Canadians spend 105 minutes every day on social media platforms.

Source: Data Reportal.

Which Country Has the Most Social Media Users?

With around 1.02 billion users, China has the most social media users worldwide. Statista predicts that the number of Chinese social media users will reach 1.21 billion in 2027.

India has the second biggest social media user base, with 755.47 million users. The United States and Indonesia follow with 302.25 and 217.53 million users, respectively.

This table shows the countries with the most social media users:

Countries With The Most Social Media Users
CountryUsers In 2024Predicted number of users by 2027
China1,021.96 million1,212.38 million
India755.47 million1,177.5 million
USA302.25 million327.22 million
Indonesia217.53 million261.7 million
Brazil165.45 million188.35 million
Russia115.05 million126.37 million
Japan101.98 million113.03 million
Mexico98.21 million122.07 million
Philippines84.07 million92.68 million
Vietnam72.29 million81.63 million
Turkey67.11 million76.58 million
UK61.67 million65.23 million
Germany60.88 million73.15 million
Thailand56.27 million59.32 million
France48.71 million56.62 million
South Korea46.09 million47.61 million
Italy43.31 million46.89 million
Nigeria38.47 million91.55 million
Canada34.47 million38.93 million
Bangladesh24.49 million33.6 million

An interesting thing to note from the above table is that Nigeria is predicted to have a growth of more than 137% in the number of social media users by 2027.

World Regions With The Most Social Media Users in 2024

As of 2024, Eastern Asia has 1,246.98 million social media users, putting it at the top spot. The majority of the Eastern Asian user base is comprised of Chinese social media users.

Central Africa has the lowest number of social media users, 24.71 million. Low internet penetration is one of the causes of such low numbers.

Knowing the strength of a region’s user base helps social media marketers to formulate their policies. 

This table shows the number of social media users in different regions of the world:

World RegionSocial Media Users
East Asia1,246.98 million
South Asia961.81 million
South-East Asia527.23 million
North America447.82 million
South America316.78 million
Central & Western Europe271.29 million
East Europe191.31 million
South Europe189.28 million
West Asia173.9 million
North Africa166.18 million
West Africa105.91 million
East Africa80.82 million
Southern Africa44.71 million
North Europe29.68 million
Central America28.99 million
Central Asia31.11 million
Central Africa24.71 million

Source: Statista

Gender Split Of Global Social Media Users

53.6% of social media users are men, while 46.4% are women.

If we calculate this share in terms of users, then we get the following numbers:

Number Of Male And Female Internet Users
GenderNumber Of Social Media Users
Male2.64 billion
Female2.25 billion
  • 76% of all females and 72% of all males in the US have a social media account.
  • In the United Kingdom, 80% of all males and 84% of all females have a social media account.

If we consider world regions, we further get interesting figures.

Here is a table showing the gender of social media users across world regions:

World RegionShare of Male UsersShare of Female Users
North America46%54%
South America48%52%
West Europe50%50%
Southern Africa48%52%
South Asia73%27%

Gender Of Social Media Platform Users

Earlier, we discussed the gender of overall social media users; let’s now discuss the gender split of various social media platforms.

  • Facebook’s user base consists of 56.6% of male and 43.4% female users.
  • Females make up 53.8% of Snapchat’s user base.
  • Instagram has quite an even gender split, with 49.3% female and 50.7% male users.

Here is a table showing the gender split of top social media platforms:

PlatformMale UsersFemale Users
Tik Tok43%57%

Sources: Statista, Demandsage, Growth Devil.

Social Media Penetration By Country In 2024

The global penetration rate of social media is 59.4%.

  • Regarding countries, UAE leads the way with a social media penetration rate of 106.1%.
  • Nigeria, whose social media users are projected to reach 91 million by 2027, has a very low penetration rate of 15.4%.
  • India, which has the second most social media users in the world, has a penetration rate of just 33.4%
  • The United States of America has a penetration rate of 80.9%.

This table shows the countries with the highest social media penetration rates:

CountrySocial Media Penetration Rate
United Arab Emirates106.1%
South Korea91.2%
New Zealand89.2%
Hong Kong88.1%

The above table has values above 100%. That is due to the survey’s limitations. Here is the source of the original study.

  • Northern Europe has the highest social media penetration rate (83.6%)

Further, Western and Southern Europe follow Northern Europe with the second and third highest social media penetration rates, respectively. 

Here is a table showing the social media penetration rate by world regions:

World RegionSocial Media Penetration Rate
Northern Europe81.70%
Western Europe80.20%
Southern Europe74.80%
Eastern Asia74%
Northern America71.30%
Eastern Europe70.40%
Western Asia66%
Central America65.10%
Southeastern Asia60.30%
Southern Africa41.60%
Southern America41.60%
Northern Africa40.40%
Central Asia34.90%
Southern Asia32.40%
Western Africa15.80%
Eastern Africa10.10%
Middle Africa9.60%

Source: Statista.

Social Media Advertisement Statistics

  • Social media ad spending is projected to reach $300 billion by 2024.
  • Social media advertisement expenditures are estimated to grow at 5.63% in 2024, reaching $76.4 billion.
  • In terms of worldwide social media advertisement spending, the United States will generate $88.1 billion in 2028.
  • It is estimated that mobile will produce $384.90 billion in total ad spending by 2027 In the Social Media Advertising market.
  • The number of users in the Social Media Advertising segment is estimated to reach 5,851.53 million by 2027.
  • 77% of marketers retarget Facebook and Instagram advertising as a marketing strategy to grow their brand and increase its reach.

Bonus: Look at our social media statistics for further insights into social media advertising and marketing facts and figures. 

USA-Specific Social Media Statistics

Most of the top social media platforms worldwide have headquarters in the US. Being a world leader and first-world country, knowing how things look like in the US social media scene is quite crucial, especially if you are someone who is targeting specifically the US audience.

The USA has 302.35 million social media users, and this number is anticipated to cross 313 million in 2024. 90% of the total US population uses social media actively.

  • Facebook is the most popular social media platform in the US, with 74.2% of adults using it.

Here is a table showing the most popular social media platforms in the USA:

Most Popular Social Media Platforms In The US
PlatformShare of Adults using it
Tik Tok42.4%

Gender Split Of Social Media Users In The USA

In America, women are more likely to use social media:

  • 53.9% Females.
  • 46.1  Males.

Age of Social Media Users in the USA

It comes without surprise that Gen Z and Millenials make up the majority of the US population using social media.

Here is a table showing the age distribution of Social Media users in the US:

Age GroupShare of Users
Over 6545%

Source: Statista, Pew Research, Backlinko.

Other Important Statistics Associated with US Social Media Users.

  • TikTok is the most downloaded social media app in the US.
  • 78% of social media users in the US Adults use Facebook regularly.
  • is the website with the highest share of visits in the US.
  • There are nearly 180 million Facebook users in the US.
  • 50.64% of US TikTok users access the platform daily.
  • Twitter has 86% brand awareness in the US, followed by Snapchat (84%), Pinterest (79%), and Reddit (68%).

Timeline of Social Media

This section lists some of the most significant “moments” in social media history. From the initial social networking site (developed in the 1990s) to the most current improvements to platforms with billions of users.

1997: ‘’ was the first ever social media site, launched in May 1997

1998: ‘Open Diary’ established the first social blogging network, pioneering the reader comments and friend-only content.

1999: YouthStream Media Networks pays $125 million for acquiring

  • Yahoo! Messenger is Launched.
  • MSN Messenger is Launched.

2000:Habbo,’ a game-based social networking site, launches.

2001: ‘’ shuts down 🙁

  • Windows Messenger is now available and included with Windows XP.

2002: ‘Friendster,’ a social networking and game site, is launched.

2003: ‘LinkedIn,’ a business-oriented social networking platform, is launched.

  • ‘MySpace’ is launched.
  • ‘Skype’ is launched.

2004: ‘Facebook,’ the world’s most popular social networking service today, is launched. It now has audio and video calling capabilities and a popular instant messaging service.

  • ‘Flickr’ is launched.
  • Google launches ‘Orkut’, a social networking website.
  • ‘News Corporation’ pays $580 million for ‘Myspace.’

2005: Qzone, a Chinese social networking site, goes live.

  • Reddit is launched, an American social news collection, web content rating, and discussion website.
  • Yahoo! acquires ‘Flickr.’

2006: ‘Twitter’ is Launched. (It now has 436 million MAUs)

  • VK (VKontakte), a popular Russia-based social networking platform similar to Facebook, is launched. 
  • Facebook has launched its News Feed. The News feed is a continually refreshed summary of updates about one’s friends’ activities.

2007: ‘Tumblr’ is launched.

2009: ‘Sina Weibo,’ a Chinese microblogging network, goes live.

2010: ‘Pinterest’ makes its debut.

  • ‘Instagram’ is launched.
  • ‘Quora’ is launched.

2011: ‘Snapchat’ is launched.

  • Microsoft acquires Skype for $8.5 billion.
  • ‘Google+’ is launched.
  • Myspace is sold to Specific Media by News Corp. for $35 million
  • LinkedIn issues its IPO.
  • ‘Twitch’ is launched.

2012: ‘Facebook’ goes public.

  • ‘Snapchat is launched’
  • ‘Tinder’ is launched.
  • Facebook acquires Instagram for $1 billion.

2013: ‘Vine’ is launched and is quickly taken over by Twitter for $30 million.

  • Twitter files for its IPO.
  • ‘Google Hangout’ is launched.
  • Myspace relaunches with a redesigned website and a mobile app.

2014: ‘’ is launched.

  • Amazon acquires Twitch for $970 million.
  • Google shuts down Orkut.

2015: ‘Periscope,’ a live video-sharing app, was launched and quickly acquired by Twitter.

  • ‘Discord’ is launched.

2016: Yahoo! stopped its services for Mac, Windows, Solaris, and Linux users. Yahoo! the Messenger will now only be supported on Android, iOS, and web clients.

  • Time Inc. buys Myspace and its parent company.

2017: ByteDance acquires for $1 billion.

  • Snapchat files for its IPO.
  • ‘TikTok’ is launched.

2018: ‘Yahoo! Messenger is shut down.

  • shuts down and migrates its users to TikTok.

2019: Google+ shuts down

2020: ‘Clubhouse’ is launched.

2023: Facebook crosses 3.6 billion users. Becomes the first social media to do so.

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