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Help & Info about Instagram for windows

  • What is Instagram?

    Instragram is a camera smartphone app that has a community so large, it could also be seen as a social network. The community is dedicated to sharing images, meaning that with Instagram, a user can not only take photos but find a quick and convenient way to send their new images to friends.
  • Is Instagram free to use?

    Yes, the app is completely free to download and install, and comes with no membership or subscription fees. It will be perfect for anybody who wants to jump into a new social media experience without spending any money upfront.
  • What platforms is Instagram available for?

    The app can be downloaded for Android, iOs, Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile. In short, if you have a mobile device, it is a safe bet that you will be able to download and install a copy of Instagram.
  • Is Instagram safe for children to use?

    Children under the age of 13 are barred from using the service and will have their accounts deleted. It will be mostly safe for minors above 13, although there are a few caveats that come with that statement. Although the community forbids pornographic images to be uploaded, a deceitful user may find loopholes to post such images anyway.
  • Are there any safety or privacy concerns around Instagram?

    In short, yes, although the community has taken large steps to fight against these. Bullying and harassment are issues, but it is possible to report or block users who mistreat the service. The official website comes with a comprehensive FAQ that explains how to deal with fraud, hate accounts and so forth.
  • What web browser is best for viewing Instagram?

    The service is designed to work equally well with all major browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Opera. The user is advised to download an up-to-date copy of their chosen browser for best results, but beyond this, which browser should be used is down to personal taste.
  • Is it possible to send a message on Instagram?

    Yes. When viewing a page, click the "plus" button at the top right; as well as options for sharing the relevant image, you will be given the option of sending a message. The site also offers group chat functions.
  • What is an Instagram story?

    The Stories feature allows users to post photos or videos which are designed to disappear automatically after 24 hours. Once posted, they will appear at the top of the user's feed. The idea is that stories convey ephemeral moments to a wide audience.
  • How do Instagram polls work?

    A recent addition to the app is the option of adding polls to stories. When the user has posted their story, they will be able to include a question of their choice, with viewers invited to vote either "yes" or "no". The votes for each answer will be tallied by the site.
  • What are Instagram stickers?

    Stickers are light-hearted graphics, often cartoonish in nature, which users can attach to their posts in order to convey an emotion or simply for fun.


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