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    Windows Vista

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Help & Info about Music Manager for windows

  • Is Music Manager free?

    Yes, this is a free app. Google developed this tool to be completely free to all users including those who are running the Windows operating system on their devices. No fees are levied after the end of a free trial, for example. It remains free to use for life.
  • Is Music Manager easy to use?

    This software package has been designed for anyone to operate. You don't need to be a technical whiz to be able to play and manage your choice of songs and other audio files. Most people will find it intuitive and easy to operate within minutes.
  • Does Music Manager upload duplicate files?

    When you upload songs to this program, it will try to avoid unnecessary duplications that are already available. Having said that, these can occur from time to time if the song title is slightly different or the version of the track you are uploading has a differing length of playback.
  • How does Music Manager work?

    This software allows you to integrate your personal library of music with the world of streamed audio. In one place, you can view all of your song choices, whether they have previously only been in your Windows Media Player library, your Google Play account or from other sources.
  • How many songs can you upload to Music Manager?

    The program is limited in its capability. However, for most users, the ability to upload no fewer than 50,000 tracks to the service will be more than adequate. It would take quite some record collection to exceed the limit.
  • Are there adverts with Music Manager?

    This service allows you to listen to radio stations from your choice of songs without the annoyance of advertisements interrupting your enjoyment. This makes it preferable to certain streaming services which regularly insert ads here and there.
  • Can I skip songs with Music Manager?

    Yes, the program offers users the ability to skip songs they don't like or are not in the mood to listen to. What's more, the service will even make suggestions of songs you might like based on what you listen to most.
  • How much free memory do you need for Music Manager?

    This is a small program which is designed to be downloaded onto all sorts of devices, large and small. As such, you will need under 1 MB of memory to be able to fully install it.
  • Is Music Manager compatible with iTunes?

    Yes, you can use this app with songs that you have downloaded into your iTunes account. This makes it useful if you have multiple devices using different operating systems, such as Android and Windows, for example.
  • What file formats does Music Manager support?

    For a program that is designed to allow users to listen to all of their audio from a single app, you would expect a large number of file formats to be supported. The software does not fail to deliver on this score with mp3, m4a, wma, flac, and ogg files working without problems.


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Laws concerning the use of this software vary from country to country. We do not encourage or condone the use of this program if it is in violation of these laws.
