
Download Free Music & Video Downloader for PC

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 2.76
  • 3.5

  • Security Status

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Help & Info about Free Music & Video Downloader for windows

  • 1. What is Free Music Downloader?

    Free Music Downloader is a software tool by The SZ Development that helps download music files from public sources for free. The tool can download multiple audio tracks (up to 10) simultaneously and also helps embed cover art. To download multiple files at once, just select the ones you want to download and the application would download them one by one, queuing the other files waiting to be downloaded.
  • 2. Is such downloading of music legal?

    Certain online sites made free music downloads easy in the past. But with recording artists and audio companies coming down heavily on such sites, free music downloads has become difficult now. Free Music Downloader avoids the copyright issues and file sharing legality smartly by letting users download their favourite audio tracks from public sources.
  • 3. Is the tool free?

    Yes, Free Music Downloader is free to download and use. Available in English, the 9MB size file can be installed on almost all Windows versions – including Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows 2003 Server, Windows XP, etc.
  • 4. Is it safe to download the tool?

    Yes, it’s safe and secure to download the application file. And this confirmation is based on the experience of most other people who have downloaded and used the tool. But if you would like to be doubly sure, you can always scan and check the tool with your own anti-virus software.
  • 5. How does Free Music Downloader work?

    The tool basically capitalizes on web resources such as Vimeo and YouTube for music. After users find the music source or file on the particular website, they can use Free Music Downloader to compress the file into MP3 audio and have them saved.
  • 6. Who is this tool for?

    Music fans who’ve been facing difficulties locating free and quality music online to download would see this tool as godsend. These are people who cannot afford to buy copyrighted music.
  • 7. How is ‘search’ within the tool?

    Free Music Downloader makes searching for music from different sources within the tool quick and easy. The tool blends different music sources so that the search for music becomes easy. You would just have to enter the song title or artist name and press the ‘search’ button.
  • 8. Can ‘search’ be customized?

    Yes, you can customize/tailor your searches. For instance, you can determine what services the program must use to execute the search. If you have specific source preferences, the ability to leave other sources out is handy. You can then set a local folder comprising downloads and sort the songs automatically into folders based on the artist.
  • 9. Are YouTube and Vimeo the only sources?

    YouTube and Vimeo are popular public sources for downloadable and shareable files. And both the sites combined would almost provide everything that you need as a music lover. But Free Music Downloader goes beyond these two sites and offers users to download from quite a few other sources as well such as SoundCloud, Mixcloud, Bandcamp, Baidu Music, etc. The full sources list can be found on the official site.
  • 10. What are the laws associated with using the tool?

    Free Music Downloader is a safe and free tool, but the laws surrounding such software programs could vary across countries. Certain countries, for instance, may prohibit its usage. Therefore, before you use the tool, make sure you are in complete compliance with the law.


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Laws concerning the use of this software vary from country to country. We do not encourage or condone the use of this program if it is in violation of these laws.
