ai artificial intelligence parallel computing pic programming robotics distributed computing logic gates pic pictures combinational logic design introduction to logic gates microcomputer architecture logic design intelligent system intelligence machine learning lecture introduction shared memory gpgpu parallel algorithms cache coherence pram parallel computers distributed memory numa uma parallel and distributed computing navigation localization localization and navigation nn neural network basics robot design mobile robots control in robotics robot control sensors and actuators actuators sensors timers of pic c and pic pic programming in c pic i/o port programming i/o port programming time delay branch call micro-controller assembly programming micro controller mechatronic systems introduction to mechatronics systems mechatronics embedded systems counters registers logic circuits design procedure state table state equatiosn analysis sequential circuits sequential circuits flip-flops latches sequential logic multiplexers encoder decoder half adder full adder combinational logic analysis boolean expression k-map digital logic gates binary codes architecture microcomputer swarm intelligence robotic knowledge base expert systems first order logic backward chaining forward chaining inference propositional logic logic representation solving searching solving problems by searching problem solving environment intelligent agents technology programming gpgpu hardware cuda programming execution model cuda l2 cache l1 cache stride access cpu cache cache
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